Seven "Good Life Bonuses" Are Ready And Waiting!
December 19, 2019
It was a huge decision to virtually give everyone a free trial of a pet project that's been over ten years in the making. But ultimately the best way to earn anyone's loyalty is by overdelivering many times above and beyond every customer's expectations. Stay tuned, they will be released very soon.
The radiant-looking signup page shown by the below screenshot will give everyone a three-day free trial so they could snag a free Good Life Bonus at no cost or obligation. Here's a screenshot of the signup page:
We like helping people and we're optimistic enough to think that you and most other people do too. So please tell your friends if you like this site, because word-of-mouth is the best way to spread the news about a charity-supporting site published in the public interest.
The fact that we do no advertising allows us to give away a lot of great stuff up front! We're giving first because a happy longtime customer is always better than a quick sale, especially for growing a public-spirited subscription site dedicated to advancing the universal well-being of humanity.
Now here's a sneak peek into what you'll find inside The Good Life Bonuses:
| Know the top tips for staying healthy and happy while slashing medical and insurance bills |
| The average American overpays his taxes by $2,000 -- see how to forever reverse that and start saving on taxes |
| Burglars strike the average American home three times in a lifetime -- learn how to inexpensively cut that risk to a small fraction |
| Lower those exorbitant credit card interest rates, and even reverse that outflow by collecting 2% to 5% rebates |
| Learn how to get a low-rate home loan or a great refinance, while avoiding the sneaky overcharges that many people fall for |
| Discover how to stop the unseen energy drains that balloon your fuel and electricity costs by many hundreds each year |
| Cut every utility or telecom bill you have to pay every month -- often to less than half what it is now |